Family Planning

Family Planning

Family planning is very important for a family its helps to control population and better growth of Children’s. It helps a person to control the number of children he/she will have and also helps to decide on the gap between the two Childs. Our country is already suffering from overpopulation. So people in India need to be sensitized about the ill-effects of this population explosion and they should also be taught about how doing family planning.

Birth Controll

Birth control is the main method by which a person is able to do family planning. family planning has various benefits. These include prevention of pregnancy-related health risks in women, reduction of

infant mortality, prevention of HIV/AIDS, people empowerment, reduction of pregnancies in adolescents and most importantly, it helps to slow population growth.

Family planning or contraception reduces the risks associated with unsafe abortion. When unwanted pregnancy is avoided with the help of family planning/contraception, deaths of a large number of mothers and children can be avoided.

There are many types of family planning like as:

  • Long-acting reversible contraception,
  • Hormonal contraception,
  • Barrier methods,
  • Emergency contraception,
  • Fertility awareness and
  • Permanent contraception

Which is the best Family Planning method which has NO side effects?

The best Family Planning methods are of course the natural methods that do not involve any side effects. Being not associated with any kind of chemical product, it has the least possibility of any health risks. It is affordable too without any cost and it helps to avoid any chances of possible infection by making a woman aware of her normal as well as abnormal vaginal secretions.

What are the side effects of family planning treatment?

The side-effects associated with vasectomy include infection, hematoma, hydrocele, bruising, granuloma, pain, tube re-connection and decreased libido. The side effects of rod implantation include irregular menstrual bleeding, acne, weight gain, heavy periods, ovarian cysts, mood changes or depression, upset stomach, dizziness, soreness of the breast, decreased libido and skin scarring.

IUD can cause uterine cramps, intermenstrual bleeding, pulmonary inflammatory disease, heavy periods and infertility. The side-effects of using contraceptive pills are bleeding during periods, tenderness of the breasts, vomiting, disturbances in the stomach, weight gain, dizziness and also frequent mood changes.

What are the precautions after family planning treatment?

There are a number of ways by which family planning and birth control can be done. A person taking contraceptive medications will have to continue taking them in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Male and female condoms are to be used every time two people indulge in sexual activities. A person who has undergone tubal ligation or vasectomy will require some days before she/he can get back to his/her normal life. This permanent contraception will require people who have undergone these surgeries to adhere to certain guidelines prescribed by the doctor.

Natural method of Family Planning:

Natural Family Planning, known as fertility awareness, is a way of natural contraception, which involves the exact calculation of the fertile window during the menstrual cycle so as to achieve successful birth-control measures. It involves the use of condoms, diaphragms, or caps during intercourse to avoid any chances of pregnancy. Its more effective and has no side effects.