Gall Bladder Stone Surgery

Gall Bladder Stone Surgery

Gallbladder specialist perform gallbladder surgery to remove the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) which is the only way to cure gallstones. This can be done by conventional (open) method or a well-established endoscopic (laparoscopic) method which is now the ‘Gold Standard’. The gallbladder stone surgery is called “Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy” (Lap. Chole). The best gallbladder surgeon makes few tiny punctures in the abdomen and inserts surgical instruments and a miniature telescope with amounted video camera into the abdomen. The camera sends a magnified image from inside the body to a video monitor, giving the surgeon a close-up view of the organs and tissues. While watching the monitor, the surgeon uses the instruments to carefully separate the gallbladder from the liver, ducts and vessels.

The gallbladder is then removed through one of the small incisions. Recovery after gallbladder stone removal usually occurs within few hours in most of the cases in the hospital, followed by few days of rest at home. As there is no damage to the muscle (muscles are not cut) during laparoscopic surgery, patients have less pain and negligible wound complications.

If the surgeon finds any difficulty in the laparoscopic procedure, the operating team may decide to switch over to open surgery. It is called open surgery because the surgeon has to make a 5 to 8 inch incision in the abdomen to remove the gallbladder. Open gallstone surgery has faded into the background with the gallbladder laparoscopic surgery technique providing significant advantages and ease for the patient.